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[Notice] Official Launch Announcement


On March 5th (Tuesday), the world of [Kingdom: The Blood] officially opens its gates.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has eagerly anticipated the launch. Embark with us on a heroic quest to save Joseon from a devastating epidemic, available across multiple platforms!


 Official Launch Details

1. Date and Time: March 5th (Tuesday) 01:00 AM - UTC/GMT

2. Platforms:


👉 STEAM [Direct Link]


👉 Google Play Store [Direct Link]

👉 App Store [Direct Link]

👉 One Store [Direct Link]

👉 Galaxy Store [Direct Link]

3. Minimum Requirements:


OS: Windows 10 (64bit)

Processor: Intel Core i5

Memory: 8 GB RAM

Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 760

DirectX: Version 11

Storage: At least 10 GB of free space required


OS: Android 10

Memory: 6 GB RAM

Storage: At least 6 GB of free space required


OS: iOS 14.5 or higher

Memory: 6 GB RAM

Storage: At least 6 GB of free space required

Customer Service Information:


Navigate to the menu bar at the top right of the game's main menu > [Settings] > [Account] > [Inquiry]

Select your inquiry type, provide details, and click [Send]

 Note: The game may not appear in the market on unsupported devices.

 Downloading the game on mobile may consume substantial data; using Wi-Fi is recommended.

Thank you.