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[Events] 「Spring in Joseon! Quest Event」


We are excited to introduce the 'Spring in Joseon! Quest Event', where fighting valiantly against zombies earns you fabulous rewards.

Complete event missions, turn the 'Cotton' you gather into 'Lucky Pouches,' and unlock a variety of prizes!

◇ Spring in Joseon! Quest Event

1. Period:

From the launch on March 5th (Tuesday) until April 1st (Tuesday) at 23:59 AM (UTC).

2. Details:

  • Complete missions on the [Event] - [Spring in Joseon] page to earn 'Cotton.'
  • Exchange 200 'Cotton' for a 'Lucky Pouch' at [Event] - [Good Spring Fortunes].
  • 'Lucky Pouches' give you a chance to win one of the following: '10 Gold Toad Statues,' '1 Common Talisman Chance Envelope,' or '1 Special Training Manual.'
  • You can exchange 'Cotton' for 'Lucky Pouches' up to 14 times. On the 15th exchange, you'll receive a 'Rare SP Attack Select Book' as the ultimate reward.

🌿 Event Reward Items Information:

- Gold Toad Statue: Can be exchanged in the general shop. (Exchange value: 100)

- Special Training Manual: Utilized to enhance special skills.

- Common Talisman Chance Envelope: Offers a chance to acquire one normal amulet.

- Rare SP Attack Select Book: Select and obtain one book from all the available rare special skill books.

3. Notes:

The event's schedule and specifics may change due to unforeseen circumstances.

Thank you for your participation and support!